What should be paid attention to when applying organic fertilizers in autumn planting?


Organic fertilizers are important fertilizer sources in agricultural production, including all fertilizer substances except chemical fertilizers. Usually, human and livestock manure, crop straw, and green manure are the main sources. Organic fertilizers have comprehensive nutrients and long-lasting and balanced fertilizer effects. They can not only improve soil structure, promote the release of soil nutrients, but also provide crop nutrients, especially for the development of organic agriculture, green agriculture and pollution-free agriculture. However, there are many types of organic fertilizers and their functions are also different. Therefore, when applying organic fertilizers in autumn, we must follow science and avoid blind fertilization.

First of all, the nutrients contained in organic fertilizers are not comprehensive. Organic fertilizers contain a variety of nutrients and do have advantages over single nutrient fertilizers. However, the nutrients in organic fertilizers are unbalanced and cannot meet the needs of high-yield and high-quality crops. When applying organic fertilizers, fertilization should be done according to the nutrient requirements of crops to achieve balanced fertilization. Just like there is no panacea to cure all diseases in the world, there is no panacea organic fertilizer.

Secondly, the organic fertilizer powder becomes organic fertilizer granules after being processed by an organic fertilizer granulator. The organic fertilizer particles decompose slowly and the fertilizer effect is slow. When the amount of organic fertilizer is not very large, it is difficult to meet the needs of crops for nutrients. Chemical fertilizers have high nutrient element content and fast fertilizer effect, which can be supplemented according to the crop demand, but the fertilizer effect is short. Organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers should be applied in combination to give full play to their respective advantages and meet the needs of crops for various nutrients in terms of quantity and time.

Thirdly, in the organic fertilizer production line, the organic fertilizer needs to be fermented. Many organic fertilizers contain bacteria, etc., so they should be composted, fermented and processed before application, and untreated manure cannot be used directly as fertilizer.

Finally, the contraindications of using organic fertilizers. Rotten organic fertilizers should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers. If it is mixed with alkaline fertilizer, it will cause the volatilization of ammonia and reduce the nutrient content of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers contain more organic matter and should not be mixed with ammonium nitrate fertilizers.
